Destination - Immediate Data

Compatibility: 68000 Family

Assembler Syntax:
CMPI #<data>, <ea>

Attributes: Size = (Byte, Word, Long)

Description: Subtracts the immediate data from the destination
operand and sets the condition codes according to the result;
the destination location is not changed. The size of the operation
may be specified as byte, word, or long. The size of the im-
mediate data matches the operation size.

Condition Codes:
X Not affected.
N Set if the result is negative. Cleared otherwise.
Z Set if the result is zero. Cleared otherwise.
V Set if an overflow occurs. Cleared otherwise.
C Set if a borrow occurs. Cleared otherwise.

Instruction Format:
\i3----++--2Size,u6Effective Address,3Mode,3Reg,8Word Data (16 bits),8Byte Data (8 bits),0Long Data (32 bits),

Instruction Fields:
Size field -- Specifies the size of the operation.
00 -- Byte operaiton.
01 -- Word operation.
10 -- Long operation.
Effective Address field -- Determines the destination operand.
Only data addressing modes are allowed as shown:

Immediate field -- (Data follows the instruction):
If size = 00, the data is the low-order byte of
the immediate word.
If size = 01, the data is the entire immediate word.
If size = 10, the data is the next two immediate words.

Related Instructions: