Rx \s¬-->; Ry

Compatibility: 68000 Family

Assembler Syntax:
EXG Dx, Dy
EXG As, Ay
EXG Dx, Ay
EXG Ay, Dx

Attributes: Size = (Long)

Description: Exchanged the contents of two 32-bit registers.
The instruction performs three types of exchanges:
1. Exchange data registers.
2. Exchange address registers.
3. Exchange a data register and an address register.

Condition Codes:
Not affected.

Instruction Format:
\i1++--3Reg Rx,+5Opmode,3Reg Ry,

Instruction Fields:
Register Rx field -- Specifies either a data register or an
address register depending on the mode. If the
exchange is between data and address registers, this
field always specifies the data register.
Opmode field -- Specifies the type of exchange:
01000 -- Data registers.
01001 -- Address registers.
10001 -- Data register and address register.
Register Ry field -- Specifies either a data register or an
address register depending on the mode. If the
exchange is between data and address registers, this
field always specifies the address register.
